Sunday, June 8, 2008


Alo dear reader!

Welcome to my new blog.
The subject matter of this blog shall be everything related to technology in today's world.

In our time, Science and Technology can't be seen from a high-level simplistic vision and let remain isolated from other important factors, like its social impact and other implications, which drastically influence fundamental concepts like human evolution and seemingly uncontrollable events, like life and death.

Being born, brought up and spoilt in such a technology oriented environment, I can't resist the temptation to contribute something tangible and worthy to its folksonomy!

So here I am, attempting to start a more focussed and mature blog that would be atleast reasonably good to read. My prose at best can be described as incoherent and lacking transparency. But I hope that continued practice will make it more polished and critically acclaimed :-).

Thanks for taking time out to read this boring first post. Would definitely post something better next time.

--The VyKing

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