Monday, June 9, 2008

What is the next BIG THING in Technology!!

Hi all ,

What is the next big revolutionary thing going to happen ?

what is the next big thing which can change the way we lead our lives today ?

I dont know yet !!

If you look closely at the way things happened and changed in the past which had a huge change in our lives are Radio , Television sets , computers and Internet. I dont know much of the techical stuff , but I would like discuss about the way it changed the way we want to be entertained , the way we learn what is going on around the world , the way we can seek new ways of employment and the way we earn money.

Radio :

I dont know what people felt like when Radio was first invented and how people were happy to listen when Radio broadcasting was growing popular day by day .But what I can say is it changed our lives in a way we could listen to the News on the same day instead of waiting for the Newspapers , which plays an important role in an individual's growth intelllectually . Radio showed us that there are many avenues yet to be explored for the betterment of mankind.When I was a kid My Mom used to listen to Radio while she was working in the kitchen , at that time I thought Radio a piece of crap because days Radio broadcasting was done in Analog I guess , which sucks of BAD Quality.But anyways Thanks Radio !! , it helped a lot in me growing as an individual . The question I think that would have arised in many minds is that can we see while people talk ? , The answer is Yes !! Televison.

Television :

I cant explain How Happy I was when we first bought our Televison , Joys unexplainable.I think this is the first best thing happened in the last century .The good thing about television is you can make sure if the guy who is talking about is true or not know on a Radio people can talk anything because we can see it .So Television sets made people think twice before they talk about stuff .But I know people can bluff on anything nowadays but they will be caught some time or later even nowadays.As in Radio many of the TV Broadcasting companies are still working on Analog transmission , but in USA I heard that starting from some time in Next Year all the broadcasts are going to be in Digital.Television is great spoiler nowdays but gives you a chance to grow as an individual and learn about stuff if you use it wisely .

Computers :

Computers are the Big thing happened when you consider the economy , jobs and how easier it made our lives.As far India is concerned it created a lot of jobs which in turn helped many Indian middle class families to lead a comfortable life.I think you can do almost everything with the help of computers if you have the right set of skills and equipment available , But I would like to see computers create life , I suppose this is possible too nowadays as scientists have decoded the human genome ,now computers can even help in creating a life with no abnormal births .Wow !! thats not an easy thing to do but seems like anything is possible with the help of computers!!

Internet :

I know that it would be good to talk about Telephones before talking about Internet , I will skip Telephones for now .This the next big thing happened after computers , Internet nowadays plays an important in day to day life , I dont think I have to talk much about Internet as everyone hae their own views on it.

SO what is the next big thing that is going to happen ?Have you ever thought of it ?Robots , you think ? yes and no ..Iam hearing about Robots from a long time but i didnot see any considerable growth on it yet , but there is a chance and possiblity that they might be the next big thing ..

I feel Artificial Intelligence has a fair chance and need of the next big thing .There are reasons why I think , Humans are getting lazy everyday and humans depend on others for what evey reason , humans need some one with them all the time be it to talk , be it to go out , be it to anything for most of the stuff humans need some sort of help from some others .So I feel that AI is can help us in most of the things talk , guide , help .

Let me know your views on it .Iam ready to discuss on this and thanks for checking my long post.

Coutesy : as is from the blog posted by jayanth)

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